The Trans PULSE survey has officially launched! If you identify as trans and you live in Ontario, we want to hear your story.
We are trans people, allies, and researchers, and we need your help to change the way health care and services are provided to trans people in this province.
You may get asked to fill out a survey in the near future and you will likely be asked by another trans person that you know. After completing it, you will be able to invite three others.
Tell us who you are, tell us what you’ve experienced and most importantly, tell us what you need. Fill it out. Pass it on. Create change. We can’t wait to hear from you. Learn more about this ground breaking project below or view our website:
The Trans PULSE survey is different than other surveys—everyone must wait to be asked to fill it out. Trans people will begin inviting each other to participate one-by-one until we reach 1000. Using this method will produce results that are more accurate and ensure we have the maximum impact possible.
Trans PULSE is not simply collecting information—we are trans people, allies and researchers who are committed to action.
This survey is mostly check-boxes and can be filled out on-line or with paper and pencil in approximately 60 minutes. Language interpreters are available, all information is confidential, and everyone receives an honorarium for participating.
If you identify as trans or as a person of trans history, we want to hear from you. We hope you will consider sharing your unique experiences and helping us prove that discrimination is bad for our health.
Fill it out. Pass it on. Create change.