A note of thanks from a reader.
A note of thanks from a reader.
A reader asks about testosterone and numbness in the hands and forearms, and skull growth.
A reader asks about the potential health risks of starting and then stopping androgen therapy.
A reader praises, because it is “AWESOMELY EXCELLENT.”
A reader asks about the chances of getting pregnant while on Testosterone.
How much of a risk is there with an orchidectomy with regards to incontinence?
A reader talks about what’s important to her: living as a woman and a lesbian.
A reader wonders if HRT is actually doing the opposite of what she expected, and considers going no-E, non-op.
Dominick asks one of Raverdyke’s favourite kinds of questions: “Tell me about the drugs!”
Information about the LGBT Aging Issues Network, a project of the American Society on Aging.