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New FTM HIV Prevention Yahoo Group

There’s a new Yahoo group for FTMs who work in the field of HIV prevention. The group will be used for professional/collegial support and resource-sharing.

This group is primarily intended to be a discussion forum for FTMs who work in HIV prevention. The list purpose is dual: this will be a professional and activist support group for those of us who are FTM somehow, working in a field where as a population of concern and as individuals we may be invisible. This list is also an expertise-sharing pool for work happening in various places around preventing the transmission of HIV in FTMs, especially efforts coming from within our own communities.

This group is open to FTMs, transgender men, men of transsexual experience, transguys, and other identities in this constellation, whose work or primary volunteer commitments are in the field of HIV prevention. Foundational agreements for this list – confidentiality; harm reduction; the inclusion of positive prevention; respect for the gender identities and expressions of those on the list. A working assumption is that there are FTMs on the list who are HIV+.

Membership is moderated, so while members may use anonymous names/email addresses, the confidential application process will require details (city/region, job title, agency or program, preferred identity wording) in order to keep the group focused. An intro to the group should be posted shortly after joining. The moderator may be contacted directly at queerftmgroup at hotmail dot com.

See for application link.

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