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Tarynn Witten’s Bibliography

Transgender Publications of Tarynn M. Witten, PhD, MSW, FGSA

Witten, T.M. and A.E. Eyler, Hate crimes and violence against the transgendered, Peace Review, 11#3 (1999) 461-468

Witten, T.M. Eyler, A.E. & Weigel, C. (2000, Winter). Transsexuals, transgenders, cross-dressers: Issues for professionals in aging, Outword.

Witten, T.M. (2001). The Tao of Gender. (Humanics Press, Atlanta, GA).

Witten, T.M. (2002). Geriatric care and management issues for the transgender and intersex populations. Geriatric Care and Management Journal, 12(3): 20 – 24.

Witten, T.M. (2003). Transgender aging: An emerging population and an emerging need. Review Sexologies, XII (4): 15-20.

Witten, T.M., Benestad, E.E.P., Ekins, R.J.M, Ettner, R., Harima, K., King, D., Landén, T.M., Nodin, N., P’yatokha, V., & Sharpe, A.N. (2003). Transgender and Transsexuality. (in) Ember, C.R. & Ember, M. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender: Men and Women in the World’s Cultures. New York, N.Y.: Kluwer/Plenum. pp. 216-229.

Witten, T.M. and Eyler, A.E. (2004). Healthcare Issues: Transsexuals, Transgenders, and Cross-Dressers. Healthcare and Aging, 11 (1): 4-5.

Witten, T.M. (2004). Aging and Gender Diversity. Social Work Today, 4 (4): 28-31.

Witten, T.M. (2004). Life course analysis: The courage to search for something more: Middle adulthood issues in the transgender and intersex community. J. Human Behavior in a Social Environment. 8 (3-4), 189-224.

Witten, T.M. (2004). Life course analysis: The courage to search for something more: Middle adulthood issues in the transgender and intersex community. (in) Sullivan, M.L. (ed.) Sexual Minorities: Discrimination, Challenges, and Development in America. New York, N.Y.: The Haworth Social Work Practice Press.

Witten, T.M. and Whittle, S.P. (2004). TransPanthers: The graying of transgender and the law. The Deakin Law Review, 9 (2): 503-522.

Witten, T.M. (2005). TransPanthers: The graying of transgender. American Psychological Association, Division 44 Newsletter, 21 (3): 12-13.

Witten, T.M. (2005). Birth Sex is Not Gender. Comments on “Efforts to address gender inequalities must begin at home.” The Lancet, 366 (9496): 1505.

Elder, M., Dahl, C., Rezba, D., Torres, K. and Witten, T.M. (2005). Facts of life – Gender determination: Secrets of the Sequence Video Series on the Life Sciences. Grades 9 – 12.

Witten, T.M. (2006). TransPanthers: Elder and Transgender. Virginia Department of Health, Transgender Health Newsletter, 2(1): 1-5.

Witten, T.M. (2006). Transgender Aging: The Graying of Transgender. American Public Health Association, Gerontological Health Section Newsletter, Winter 2006.

Witten, T.M. (2006). The graying of transgender. Age in Action: Activities in Geriatrics and Gerontology Education and Research at the Virginia Center on Aging, Virginia Geriatric Education Center, Virginia Department for the Aging, 21 (3): 16-17.

Witten, T.M. and Eyler, A.E. (2006). Hormones and the older FTM. Virginia Department of Health, Transgender Health Newsletter, 2(3): 2-3.

Belongia, L. and Witten, T.M. (2006). We don’t have that kind of client here: Institutionalized bias against and resistance to transgender and intersex aging research and training in elder care facilities.

Witten, T. M. (2007). Gender Identity and the Military: Transgender, Transsexual, and Intersex-identified Individuals in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Witten, T.M. and Eyler, A.E. (2007). Hormones and the older MTF. Virginia Department of Health, Transgender Health Newsletter, 2(3): 2-3.

Witten, T.M. and Eyler, A.E. (2007). Transgender gerontology and geriatrics: Towards successful aging. (in). Principles of Transgender Medicine and Surgery, (ed.) Ettner, R., New York, N.Y.: Haworth Press.

Witten, T.M. (2008). Transgender bodies, identities, and healthcare: Effects of perceived and actual violence and abuse. (in). Research in the Sociology of Healthcare: Inequalities and Disparities in Health Care and Health – Concerns of Patients. v. 25. (Ed.). Kronenfeld, J.J. Oxford, England: Elsevier JAI. pp. 225-249.

Kidd, J. and Witten, T.M. (2007). Assessing spirituality, religiosity and faith in the transgender community: A case study in violence and abuse – implications for the aging transgender community and for Gerontological research. J. Religious Gerontology, in press.

Witten, T.M. and Kidd, J. (2007). Transgender and transsexual identities: The next strange fruit – Hate crimes, violence and genocide against trans-communities. J. Hate Studies, to appear.

Witten, T.M. and Eyler, A.E. (2008). The Handbook of GLBTI Aging. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, to appear.

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