Tom Waddell Health Center (TWHC) is a large community health center and health care for the homeless program operated by the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH). The mission of TWHC is to provide comprehensive health care for homeless people and other severely underserved individuals in our community. Health care is delivered using a comprehensive interdisciplinary team.
TWHC undertook the writing of the Protocols for Hormonal Reassignment of Gender for the purpose of sharing their experience with health providers and their patients on the best practices for prescribing hormones for patients with gender identity issues. These guidelines are based on the available evidence and their experience in treating over 1200 patients.
The downloadable PDF, Protocols for Hormonal Reassignment of Gender (22 pgs, last revised Dec, 2006), is a great resource for health providers as well as their trans clients.
The Tom Waddell Health Center offers a health clinic in San Francisco, Transgender Tuesdays. Check the website for hours.
Would you consider gender reassignment for me if I live in Dallas? Or do you know of a clinic in Dallas that does reassignment without requiring several years of living as a woman. I do at home but at the hospital I have to deal with doctors who wouldn’t understand if all of a sudden I showed up in a dress.
Check out the GEAR program on the RC Dallas website. They run a trans health clinic on the 3rd Monday of each month, 6 pm at Nelson-Tebedo Community Clinic. Call 214-528-2336 to schedule an appointment. Hope this helps!